Fall is a time of change— it’s when we head back to school, wind up summer barbecues and camping trips, and swap out t-shirts for sweaters. It’s also becoming a yearly tradition at Zing where we announce all the new developments we’ve been working on to better serve our customers. You may remember last year’s fall update, when we debuted our new packaging, and introduced a couple new recipes and our 100% vegan dark chocolate. You all were so supportive, it made us want to do more! This year, we’re taking the opportunity to refresh our website and to thank our loyal customers who have been the source of the continued growth of Zing Bars. So one thing we’re doing this fall is lowering the price of Zing Bars, both in our online store and in the grocery stores where you shop. Drop in at the new zingbars.com and you’ll see that a 12-bar box is now $24.95; down from $31.95. That’s about $2 a bar (and free shipping if you order three boxes or more!). We’re able to do this because your support has helped us grow. We’re making more Zing Bars than ever before, and we’re passing on the cost savings that come with that growth. Thank you! But don’t worry, we haven’t changed the recipes: still the same quality ingredients with plenty of good proteins, good healthy fats, dietary fiber and low glycemic carbs. All combined for a better energy that starts with great taste and lasts for hours. While you’re there, take another look at your old favorites like Dark Chocolate Coconut and Dark Chocolate Mint and get acquainted with some new favorites. The newest flavors are Lemon Cashew Crunch, Zing’s take on a tangy, chewy lemon bar with a natural lemon flavor (no cough drop here!) and 15 grams of whey protein for muscle tone. Like all Zing Bars, free of wheat, gluten, soy protein and anything artificial. If you like lemon, you’ll love this lemon bar.

(Lemon Cashew Crunch and its ingredients.)
Also new in the last year is Dark Chocolate Mocha, which is quickly becoming a best seller. It’s a deep dark chocolate with a bold coffee flavor, 8 grams of fiber and 10 grams of protein. Vegan and non GMO. Not only gluten free but also without nut ingredients; in fact, free of all of the top eight allergens.
(Dark Chocolate Mocha and its ingredients.)
So please enjoy all the newness at Zing. And while perusing the new site, you might want to check out the Meet Zing page, if only to catch the photobomb by Bean, the Company Dog.