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frequently asked
are zing bars gluten-free?
all zing bars are certified gluten-free by the Gluten-Free Certification Organization (GFCO). Our production facility is entirely free from wheat and gluten.
are there any zing bars that do not contain nuts?
all zing bars contain an almond nut butter base. also, all of our products are manufactured on equipment that also processes peanuts, tree nuts, milk, soy, and eggs.
how does zing avoid cross-contamination?
our manufacturing facility follows strict regulations and product safety protocols, including Good Manufacturing Practices (“GMPs”) as defined and enforced by the U.S. FDA. these extensive safeguards help prevent cross-contamination and any other compromises to quality or safety. our production facility is also certified under the Safe Quality Food Institute’s food safety and quality standards, which are recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI).
do your bars contain caffeine or stimulants?
dark chocolate naturally contains a small amount of caffeine. our mocha bar contains coffee, equivalent of 1 tbsp of brewed coffee. the rest of our zing products come straight from the finest, most nutrient-dense ingredients possible. each bar’s balance of adequate protein, good carbs, and good fats provides natural, sustained energy that won’t spike your blood sugar. this way, you can keep going through your day with authentic focus and clarity, while feeling satisfied for hours.
are zing bars high in sugar?
no. most zing bars contain 8 to 9 grams of sugar—a benchmark in the nutrition community. the natural sweeteners we use are tapioca syrup and agave nectar, both low on the glycemic index, meaning they release slowly and provide sustained energy over several hours.
are zing bars soy-free?
yes! all zing bars are free of ingredients that contain soy, soy protein, or soy lecithin.
are zing bars non-GMO certified?
all of our original zing bars are verified non-GMO through the non-GMO project. the zing team is currently hard at work to qualify our keto product line for the non-GMO certification as well.
are zing bars plant-based?
we can now proudly say that all of our zing bars are made with plant-based protein. please be aware that all of our products are manufactured on equipment that also processes dairy, but is sanitized before production begins.
are zing bars kosher?
all zing bars are certified Kosher Dairy (OU-D) by the Orthodox Union. our plant-based bars, which contain no dairy ingredients, are made on equipment that is also used to make products that do contain dairy. the equipment is sanitized between productions to remove traces from the previous batch.